Tunbridge Wells
Constitutional Club
The best members' club in town
By clicking Terms & Conditions you declare that I'm a conservative, or Unionist in Politics, and I agree, if elected to conform to the rules and regulations of the club , for the time being in force. Club rules button below.
Membership Application
The election of members shall be vested solely in the Committee and shall be by ballot. Two votes against admission shall exclude a candidate.
Only members and supporters of The Conservative Party who are over 18 years of age shall be entitled to be eligible for membership.
Any two members of not less than six months standing may propose and second a candidate for membership and shall be able from personal knowledge to vouch for his or her fitness to be a member and both of them shall sign the nomination form, as shall the candidate who, by so doing, shall agree to abide by the Rules of the Club now, or hereafter, in force, in the event of their being elected a member. No full time employee of the Club shall be eligible for membership for the duration of their full-time employment by the Club.
The name, address and occupation of each candidate, and the names of their proposer and seconder, shall be posted on the Club Notice Board at least seven days before the day on which his name is to be submitted to the Committee for election.
Any member who is of the opinion that any candidate so proposed would not be a desirable member, shall inform the Secretary who shall communicate the objection to the Committee.
The Committee may require the attendance of any proposer, seconder and their candidate to answer such questions as may be put to them. If they do not appear before the Committee when required to do so, or send a satisfactory excuse for not doing so within four weeks, the candidate’s election shall not be proceeded with.
No candidate shall be admitted to the privileges of membership, until they have paid their subscription and entrance fee which shall be determined by the Committee from time to time and have been formally elected a member by the Committee. No candidate for membership shall be admitted to the privileges of membership until two days shall have elapsed after election to membership. Membership of the Club and the acceptance of these Rules by a member shall be deemed to constitute consent to the holding of relevant personal data for the purpose of the Data Protection Act.